For the last few years I've been praying about something. I'm sure many of you have as well, but this particular thing has occupied my prayers for several years. I've been praying about it in the same way for pretty much the entire time, asking for guidance and direction in relation to the thing. During that time the urge to do that thing has grown. One could say its developed into something close to a permanent longing, something that left me unsettled because I'm not doing it and I've never really known why.

A recent conversation with a very good friend left me feeling challenged. He asked me a question and laughed at my response because it's been the same response I've given him for the last few years.

My response of course was to question why he was laughing at me, I guess feeling like he wasn't taking me serious. His response was one which caught me off guard. Instead of answering why he was laughing, he simply asked me how I had been praying about this thing. I told him and after a moments pause he responded with a challenge. Why don't you pray about it in a different way?

He commented how that as I have been praying for guidance this thing had grown in to a passion and longing, that is to say something more than momentary desire, then maybe I'd had that guidance and it was time to challenge it.

So for the last month I've been praying more earnestly and in a different manner. Instead of requesting guidance about the thing, I've been praying: Lord, I think you want me to do this, please show me if I'm wrong.
The results have been breath taking, surprising and exciting all at once. A change of events has begun that, I believe, God is using to lead me into doing this thing I've been praying about for the last few years. I'm a little apprehensive, but the over riding feeling is one of excitement. This post is not an announcement, yet, but maybe more of a watch this space…