It’s so cold today I’m actually considering going to buy some thermals… it’s almost 11am and it’s still frozen outside.

Followed a few accounts from Bluesky in Going to see how that goes and then I’ll probably delete my Bluesky account. Essentially I just want one place to go to see all things non-RSS.

Tasks, tasks, everywhere…

Barry Hess in a post about the state of his task manager makes the point that he is DDoS’ing himself with To-dos and Reminders. Essentially there is so much stuff in his task manager and he has lost trust in the way it works to ever see the right things at the right time. I feel his pain. I have been bouncing around task managers for, at least, the last 6 months trying to find a way that works for me to see what I need to do at the right time.

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Three days into the new year and I’ve already finished a book. In what has become a bit of an annual tradition, my Dad bought me the newest Jeremy Clarkson, Diddly Squat: Home to Roost and I’ve finished this one in 2 days. If I’d have started earlier yesterday it likely would’ve been done in one sitting. 📚

Gah, was looking forward to watching season 3 of Tehran but it’s only released in Israel today and no date for Apple TV+ has been announced.

The first email Apple Intelligence deemed as a priority for me is a phishing email pretending to be from a delivery company who failed to deliver a package I haven’t ordered. Good start Apple.

You scratch mine, I'll scratch yours

One of the most active blogs in my feed reader is by Louie Mantia. He has an interesting point of view that sometimes differs from mine (mainly politics) but I like what he creates and find it inspiring. In his recent post titled Learn to Code, Don’t Learn to Code he states this: Both parties can understand the other’s limitations without learning how to do it themselves. And—in my opinion—you can more easily push the limitations without learning it.

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Giving the tyres a kick on the new Craft. I always liked the first version of the app but it got to business focused and I stopped using it. This new version seems more like the original version, and I like the tasks view.

Best Christmas advert so far. Very wholesome. Well done Apple.

I think I’ve got something in my eye…

Found an old backup hard drive at the weekend with my old iTunes library on it. Copied everything to my NAS and I’m slowly adding things to Plex. Revisiting my favourite Delirious? album this morning as a result.

This is fun from the new Overcast update. Surprised about Appstories being in the top 4.

Considering an early upgrade of my AirPods to version 4 with ANC. Using them at work is useful but annoying when people are chatty chatty around you whilst on a call.

Todoist is introducing deadlines to tasks, this has always been a point of friction for me with their due date implementation. When I’m working on something isn’t necessarily when it’s due. It feels like they’re really upping their game lately.

I’ve recently discovered that the artists behind one of my favourite tracks of all time are still making music. They’ve just released a new album which I’m really enjoying.

Woke up to some unexpected snow this morning. Sadly it’s already melting 🫠 ⛄️

A few fun questions

At work we’re doing a team visibility piece to help others in the business get to know us. We’ve been asked to answer some questions and I thought it would be fun to share them here… Favourite movie: It would be a three way fight between The Usual Suspects, Shawshank Redemption, and The Dark Knight. Tea or Coffee: Coffee, but not any coffee… my friends would say it has to be “snobby”!

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I’ve been using Reminders for my tasks since the new macOS came out, it’s just to difficult to get stuff in and so I’ve noticed I’ve not been using it. Time to return to a different tool.

Seriously fed up of seemingly intelligent people stating that anyone who doesn’t lean left politically is a Nazi. Here’s news for you, the Nazi’s were leftist and socialist.

Stop demonising/name calling people who disagree with you and learn how to have considered discussions/debates, you might find people aren’t that different to you.

Some thoughts on politics, a topic I don't normally touch with a barge pole

I generally don’t comment about politics on social media, or really in life in general. I find the whole topic to be divisive and alienating especially as someone who is not liberal enough for the left and not conservative enough for the right, it is a hard topic to broach. What I can say is this: I am very disappointed in the current state of politics both in the UK and USA.

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That should help me stay sane for the next few days… Screenshot of a list of muted words on that cover the US election.