





: Finished reading: The Hunger of the Gods by John Gwynne 📚

: Voted. 🇬🇧

: I somehow forgot about Aaron Draplin. His backyard studio is great and his enthusiasm for creating …

: I’d love something like this on the iPad instead of Stage Manager.

: I wonder if there will be a more coherent Sports story in iOS 18. The new sports app certainly needs …

: Added a new ink to my collection today. A green for summer.

: Now this is what I call fun coffee packaging! ☕️

: This mornings brew…

: Moved all my notes from Obsidian to Bear yesterday, the constant jankiness of Obsidian made me have …

: I generally try to avoid Google services, but they sure are good at making me wish I use them. How …

: It’s all excuses I have this weird stumbling block with my blog. I want to blog, when I do it I enjoy it and when I …

: That this happens on Apple’s own devices is crazy…

: Might have already downloaded the Delta emulator for iPhone and found a Pokemon Blue rom to play…

: I feel caught in a continual battle of task managers. I like the OS integration of Things and the …

: I wish I could make my iPad Home Screen as calm as my Mac one, but still with the utility. Full …

: Starting the day off with some beautiful coffee in my local coffee shop. They’ve got some stunners …

: Migrated my Mastodon account to fully. The next few days will be spent pruning my follow …

: Love receiving Travellers notebook packages in the mail.

: I was so engrossed in my work that I missed the start of a meeting by ten minutes. Nothing worse …

: Take a moment Life is odd. Sometimes it seems to just pass us by, each day sliding into the next, the week begins …

: Made my first little foray into editing the template for my blog. I’m a bit rusty with CSS and …

: Finally found some time this morning to add some personal sites to my blog roll. I’ve been wanting …

: Is there anyway to block or mute words on

: Tried to use TickTick briefly today. Felt way less intuitive than Todoist does, decided to stick …

: All I would like is an Obsidian like app that works on iPad and feels like it belongs there.

: Came across Swift Mail yesterday, a native macOS app for JMAP email providers and it looks like a …

: Theory: Apple is soon going to announce a HomePod with a screen. People will want to see sports …

: I’m tempted to reset my iPhone and only install the apps I’m using to see how few apps I …

: I would really like to be able to put apps in slide over on my Mac. Having Todoist there would be …

: I finally have a new iPad to replace the one which died in early January. Realised how much I used …

: I really wish Safari played nicely with all site or web apps. Having to run an app so that links for …

: New iPad ordered and arriving to my local Apple shop on Tuesday. They had an offer with £75 off …

: Apple bringing transcripts for podcasts is very cool. In fact the only thing stopping me from using …

: This week I’ve made a switch to Todoist, setup the calendar integration with Google and really …

: It doesn’t happen often, but occasionally I read something in the first lines of a post and …

: Fit for Forty This is a post which I’ve had brewing in the back of my mind since September. This year marks the …

: I always enjoy a birthday list. This one from Jeff Sheldon has a few nice points and a few that made …

: Picked up a USB C dock that can handle all the connections I need. I love that I only have one cable …

: I want timers on my HomePod to be live activities on my iPhone. That would be a great enhancement.

: My refusal to use Threads or X is making it much harder to keep up with sports (specifically F1) …

: It dawned on me this morning that we are in an election year. I’ve never been more …

: Trying again One of my aims for this year is to try and develop some more healthy foundations or habits in my …

: Had a lovely long weekend down in Cornwall staying in St Ives. Lots of fresh air, mostly good food, …

: A long time ago I owned the domain, just had a look to see if it’s …

: Just discovered you can’t add a shortcut to standby mode on the iPhone. So you can’t …

: Official diagnosis from Apple is my IPad Pro is dead. It’s either new iPad or new Mac… not an easy …

: First day back to work. First job of the year: update all the software I kept putting off because I …

: Happy new year one and all! May 2024 be one of joy and fulfilled dreams!

: In the middle of reading something on my iPad and it just turned off. It was plugged in and charging …

: Ventured onto Threads briefly. My word, it’s as bad as Twitter. Full of ill informed, uneducated, …

: Managed to follow on… let’s see how this goes.

: Currently reading: Answering Jihad by Nabeel Qureshi 📚🎧

: Finished reading: Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus by Nabeel Qureshi 📚🎧 Wonderfully told and fascinating …

: Considering a switch to iA Writer for my writing. Something doesn’t feel right with Ulysses or …

: So how do we send a mention to someone on Mastodon from

: I think my coffee station has reached peak Jonny Ive… ☕️

: I really don’t get this insistence by some Apple bloggers on referring to the iPhone 15 lineup as …

: The October Declaration – British Friends of Israel Signed. It feels feeble, but Israel holds a …

: When I updated to Sonoma I switched off Alfred and decided to give Spotlight a go. It hasn’t …

: New ink day! Just as the weather turns cold and autumn truly starts to arrive I have my new autumn …

: New UK coin design The Royal Mint has released its designs for a new set of coins, the first since the accession of …

: My parents bought me a Travellers Notebook for my birthday and I love it. Feels and smells amazing. …

: I stand with Israel 🇮🇱

: 39

: First visit to the gym done. 35 minutes on a bike, 5 minutes on a treadmill. 🥵

: It’s decided, once Sonoma is released I’m going to give Reminders a real crack at …

: I’m already a big fan of stand by mode on the iPhone. I really want it on my iPad now.

: I think I’m going to finally make the move from 1Password to the built in Apple password manager …

: The Hidden Complexity of Static Sites Derek Kedziora neatly sums up The Hidden Complexity of Static Sites and why I decided to move back …

: Adding the archive I’ve begun the long process of adding in some of my old posts from previous iterations of this site. …

: I would really like the lock screen widgets on the homescreen of my iPad as well.

: Haha Redbull and Verstappen! 🏎️🥳🥳🥳

: So the Apple website doesn’t sell leather iPhone 14 Pro cases anymore… might make a trip to an Apple …

: 2023 Ocean Photographer of the year competition These photos from 2023 Ocean Photographer of the Year competition are amazing. I particularly like …

: Just discovered they made a version of Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1 & 2 for the PS4. Very tempted to …

: One month back on Wordpress It’s been about one month since I restarted my blog back on Wordpress. I say restarted rather than …

: People and blogs A few months ago I came across a blog that has been a mainstay in my RSS feeds ever since. I enjoy …

: Really disillusioned with social media at the moment. Recently moved my blog blog (not micro) to …

: Trying this little beauty this morning. ☕️

: Considering installing the iPadOS beta to give the new reminders feature a look. Anyone running it? …

: Label Craft by Jordan Bell Label Craft by Jordan Bell is a fantastic little piece of the internet I stumbled across while …

: I seem to have fallen into a massive stationery fascination in the last few weeks. Obsessing over …

: Devon’s tech stack I will always be fascinated by the tools people use, whenever someone posts to their blog with a …

: Found a very complex Axure RP10 tutorial this morning that I had a feeling would help me do what I …

: brr I really enjoying reading things about daily life from people living in unusual parts of the world. …

: Clean shaven for the first time since before the pandemic. I’ll be growing it back.

: A bad habit list I’ve a long standing interest in the power of habits and what they can help us accomplish. …

: Love this little kerning game.

: Kern Type Once in a while the internet pops up a great little typography game. This time around it’s …

: The constantly changing weather conditions we have in the UK at the moment are starting to play …

: I can’t help but coming back to read this post about how our digital calendars could be so …

: I think my brain is done for the day. Couldn’t find a way to create a subdomain on Hover, even a …

: How FoodNoms' New App Icon Boosted Download Conversion Rate by 10% I really like blog posts that give a behind the scenes for design changes. I’ve just written …

: Stanford researchers find Mastodon has a massive child abuse material problem This is a rather concerning piece of research. I hadn't considered this angle of decentralised …

: Blogging is still a journey When I started this site, I was just a 19-year-old looking to have fun on the internet. After all …

: Very tempted by the public betas for iOS, iPadOS, and tvOS this year…

: It still baffles me that in both Outlook and Apple Mail there is no built in button to create a task …

: Multi-layered calendars This is a fascinating read that presents the idea that calendars should be multi layered. We tend to …

: Back on Wordpress Back on Wordpress. It’s been a few years and many attempts to revitalise my blog, but I’ve decided …

: This mornings coffee is brought to you by the ends of two different bags… I call it frankenfilter… …

: My use of Threads has dropped dramatically this week, it’s become really clear that all I want …

: As much as it pains me to say this. Bard is proving to be better for me than ChatGTP lately and …

: A night of natural wine tasting with these two 🍷

: I love seeing behind the scenes look at new logos for things that have been around a while. Really …

: Creative process in three words or less Just saw a a post on Threads from Figma… describe your creative process in three words or less. My …

: Starting to think I want a smaller bag for than my back pack. Want one that’s comfortable to …

: Plus these two that are going to a local coffee shop for them to cup.

: I’ve got some seriously good coffees in the house at the moment… the red bourbon is especially 😚👌🏻 …

: Threads is intriguing but feels like the wild west. Mastodon has the best apps but discovery of …

: Now that Apple has done interactive widgets. I want them to bring back interactive notifications on …

: I hate DNS.

: Just discovered this Security Checkliston Brian Lovin’s personal site. What a great resource …

: Deliveroo finally added live activities!

: Feeling the urge to watch Mad Men again. Haven’t watched it for ages and I miss the style of …

: The joys of Monday morning click test results not being what you had hoped. Design revision time. …

: You have a meeting. You have a meeting. You have a meeting, and you can have a meeting. Meetings for …

: Anyone know if the Apple Music improvements in iOS 17 bring sync of the up next queue across …

: Shut up Thierry Henry… enjoyed Ted Lasso and its fitting end to the final season. When does the Roy …

: Where I’ve been I’ve seen a few posts from people sharing where they’ve been and thought it was interesting. So I’m …

: Editing memories I’ve been looking at some of the things Google announced this week. Whilst some of the things are …

: I love my Sonos, but starting to want some kind of physical remote to control them. Any …

: Finished reading: Building a Second Brain: A Proven Method to Organize Your Digital Life and Unlock …

: Went for a walk after work. A bird pooed on me. About sums up my day.

: A long time ago I used an app called LittleSnapper to collect images and snap websites I liked. …

: Trying to utilise Hookmark in my workflow more but finding I spend a lot of time making sure things …

: A thought provoking blog post about the role of software, thinking, and the affect they are having …

: Finished reading: Laws of UX by Jon Yablonski 📚

: Tried my hand at an Austin Kleon style collage in between Teams calls this morning. Quite fun. 🎨

: So engrossed in my book I dropped coffee on the page 📚

: One of the best uses for the HomePod mini on my desk… making hands free phone calls especially when …

: I’ve always tried to have a style guide page somewhere on my own websites, but this one takes it to …

: This. RSS is not a notification system, it’s a delivery system.

: New coffee from Plot coffee roasters. ☕️ Origin: Patalillo wet mill, Tarrazú, Costa Rica Process: …

: Such a shame what happened to the brand design of the fashion world.

: Fascinating read about the redesign of Wikipedia and the role that prototypes played in it.

: The irony of Chat GTP asking me to verify I’m a human 😂

: Finished reading: Foundation & Empire by Isaac Asimov 📚

: My iPhone has taken to having phantom touches and doing things by itself. It appears it might be …

: Exploring the IBM Design Language is really rather beautiful…

: I’m just gonna get this off my chest here. I don’t think VR is the next big thing and I don’t think …

: Finished reading: Diddly Squat: ‘Til The Cows Come Home by Jeremy Clarkson 📚

: I need to stop reading the comments on political things.

: I’ve had the app Soro on my iPhone/iPad for ages so I could use shortcuts to play stuff on my …

: Found myself installing Evernote to play with again yesterday. The one thing I’ve always liked …

: Decided to carry out an experiment. One todo app for work and a different one for my personal stuff. …

: Instruction from the doctor: Lose weight your cholesterol is too high. Nothing like a statement like …

: A terrible thing has happened. I’ve run out of coffee beans and there’s no time to go …

: Currently reading: The Innovators by Walter Isaacson 📚🎧

: Absolutely love this. I’ll be saving this to return to many times. Go and read Lessons of …

: May finally have got it working… sometimes it takes a vent post to make you reset and look for a …

: No matter what I do, I can never get tags to work in Jekyll. I’ve followed so many tutorials …

: Adding tags This post was written when this blog was based on Jekyll before I moved back to Wordpress. I have …

: First steps playing with Figma today. We’ve been all in on XD for visual design but it seems …

: 1Password is going to support passkeys. This looks really interesting, might be time to do some …

: Spent a bit more time working on my personal site. I’ve now revived the Jekyll powered blog …

: Hobbies, blogs, writing, iPads, and Macs For the last few years 99% of my personal computing has been handled on the iPad Pro. For the most …

: Cameron Moll’s problem solving process is very similar to mine. Start with a basic …

: I wish Sonos would make a proper Mac app.

: Came across these rather beautiful pens this morning.

: Since I cam across this post from Om Malik on whether the “stream” as a design paradigm is over …

: I’ve recently discovered the blog of Manuel Moreale and I love the simplicity of the design.

: In his post about Blogging, RSS, and Imposture Syndrome Brandon writes, Then it clicked… the …

: First steps of an updated personal site today. It will likely evolve a lot in the coming weeks …

: Keeping an eye on CodeEdit. Looks promising.

: My code editor of choice (Atom) is no more. Anyone got any recommendations?

: I miss blog rolls… the first time the personal web was in full swing everyone had blog rolls on …

: Wandering around Oxford today after a few days in London. An end of January mini holiday is actually …

: Blank page paralysis I’ve been feeling the desire to create more since the start of the year. I’m not sure if it’s just …

: Blank page paralysis I’ve been feeling the desire to create more since the start of the year. I’m not sure if it’s just …

: Not sure why but I now have a Mastodon account… I think intrigue more than anything is behind it.

: Apple has released a new HomePod that looks like they haven’t learnt any lessons from the …

: The internet needs a follow button… Over the last few weeks I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about social media and the open (indie) …

: The internet needs a follow button… Over the last few weeks I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about social media and the open (indie) …

: Finding myself drawn more and more towards analog tools lately. Considering buying some writing …

: Interesting to see Medium starting it’s own Mastodon server. Perhaps trying to shield itself …

: Currently reading: Diddly Squat: ‘Til The Cows Come Home by Jeremy Clarkson 📚

: Considering all my various software subscriptions given some are increasing in price (Fantastical). …

: 6 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And …

: I followed through and his name is so long it …

: Indiekit look slike a fantastic way to add easier publishing to your own static generated site. …

: The best films of 2022 according to The Telegraph. In a shocking turn of events I’ve not seen …

: I find it interesting that sites like are setting up their own Mastodon …

: Cameron Moll laying out exactly what I have had to lay out to others about why UI and UX belong …

: I’m officially fed up of it being minus degrees outside 🥶

: I used to love using Notational Velocity back in the day, I didn’t know that nvUltra was a …

: Came out of church to snow this morning…

: What’s Good About the Arc Browser… A really interesting take on the Arc Browser which is a …

: Lovely cocktails to start dinner this evening. Had a delicious feast of Bao and BBQ with Bao bread …

: More to do app explorations, came across an app called TaskFlow which handles lists and kanban but …

: Can’t stop drooling over these notebooks and stationery stuffs from MARK+FOLD…

: I’m down the rabbit hole again. TickTick has been downloaded and looks promising. Kanban mode, …

: I’ve been using Todoist for the last few weeks. I like it’s ability to have projects in …

: An interesting post that sums up how exactly how I feel about these new AI writing tools that are …

: Trying to customise a theme, but I can’t tell if it’s not working or if Safari on iPad …

: Over the last few days I’ve come across more and more people moving from Twitter to Mastodon. …

: I remember when I first discovered @NetNewsWire it had a send to MarsEdit button in it. Anyone know …

: I might spend some time this weekend trying to customise my site. It needs a bit more me …

: Just discovered that the new micro post interface in MarsEdit 5 has a universal keyboard shortcut. …

: An unusually productive Monday today. Fewer meetings more design time is always a good balance.

: Had a little look at the upcoming OmniFocus 4 this morning. I can’t put my finger on why, but …

: In a lovely post from Patrick Rhone he comments If I were to paid to dig ditches, I would discover …

: Shocked at England’s dominance in the football today. I know we were playing Iran, but given …

: This morning is very much a dark mode morning.

: The sermon in church this morning was all about suffering. A timely subject given recent news about …

: I’m resorting to pen and paper to get a proper overview of all the “tasks” that I …

: David Sparks on his journey To Day One and Back Again. I’ve been on a similar thought cycle …

: Removed Twitter from my iPhone last night, not because of the Musk thing but because I can’t take …

: My Arc experiment is over. It broke my long established flow for reading RSS and turned what is …

: Matt Bircher: I Don’t Think People Really Want Another Twitter… I think he’s right, people …

: Giving Arc a go as my default browser after reading about it again.

: It baffles me that you still can’t make a reminder from an email message in Reminders is …

: The sad demise of the smartly dressed traveller The sad demise of the smartly dressed traveller… It’s not just the smartly dressed traveller …

: The iPhone 14 Pro is still massively hard to get hold of. Delivery is not until 8th November, and …

: All in on A little under four months ago I made a decision about my blog and moved it to use Ghost with the …

: My copy of Somebody Feed Phil the Book arrived yesterday. Forgot I had ordered it so it was a nice …

: I really want to find a widget that can recreate this kind of style on iPadOS.

: Finished watching season 2 of Tehran on Apple TV+. I really enjoyed it, definitely one to watch, …

: You know it’s a long day when I brew a coffee at 16:30… 🥱

: I am constantly torn when it comes to Google. I don’t like their data collecting strategy but …

: Mid morning coffee in Cheltenham’s newest espresso bar. Tastes as good as it looks. ☕️

: Goodbye Your Majesty, and thank you for everything. 😢🇬🇧

: I have never known life without the Queen, she was a women of great integrity and dedication. I …

: The new default theme in Obsidian is a big improvement, but I think I still prefer Craft. The only …

: New Obsidian theme looks good, but I think I still prefer Craft. I do miss the graph view though, …

: A spade is a spade, let’s call things by what they are The last few years has seen the prolific rise of the content creator the people who create content …

: A spade is a spade, let’s call things by what they are The last few years has seen the prolific rise of the content creator the people who create content …

: I’ve just heard someone use the phrase “minor attracted”. Excuse me but that’s called paedophilia …

: I’ve really enjoyed this episode of Thoroughly Considered discussing the Sonos Move and the whole …

: It’s Coldplay day!

: Moved back to Overcast from Pocket Casts because Overcasts CarPlay app is better…

: Saying good bye to this faithful friend after 10 years and thousands of miles. Happy retirement.

: Couldn’t help myself…

: There are very few celebrities in the world who I would like to meet, but I think Phil Rosentahl is …

: Never really enjoyed women’s football but this final has been good. Come on England! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🧍🏻‍♀️⚽️

: My fan died this morning. Thank the Lord it made it through yesterday’s heat.

: Decided to have a very early start for work today to try and avoid having to work during the hottest …

: Went to upgrade to Alfred 5 and discovered I’m a mega supporter. Forgot about that. Free update!

: Experimenting with Craft for my note making For the best part of the last year I’ve been all in on Obsidian for my note taking. I’ve enjoyed …

: Considering installing the iOS and iPadOS betas… anyone done so yet?

: Experimenting with Craft for my note making For the best part of the last year I’ve been all in on Obsidian for my note taking. I’ve enjoyed …

: Just discovers that yesterday Anne Franck was trending on Twitter because she had “white privilege”. …

: A personal update We’re a week into July now and my decision to write some personal objectives for the quarter to go …

: A personal update We’re a week into July now and my decision to write some personal objectives for the quarter to go …

: Moving to Ghost A year or so ago I moved my blog from Wordpress to Jekyll, going from a CMS powered website to a …

: Went for a walk with this little lady today. Had a fun time, she settled down with me after a few …

: More googling helped and I’ve managed to get it all imported.

: Trying to get my blog content from Jekyll to Ghost is not proving easy. I’ve got my content …

: Trying out posting to Micro.Blog using shortcuts supplied by Humboldt.

: It’s been a while since I shared a Home Screen but just made a few tweaks.

: Interesting that the latest update to Matter supports RSS, might give it a try on a few feeds to see …

: Today can mostly be summed up with one sound. “Achooo…” 🤧🌱🚫

: Intrigued by the new update to iA Writer. I wasn’t expecting them to add wikilinks or anything along …

: Does anyone know of an inbox app? A universal Quick Capture, where I can shove anything throughout …

: Reliving my teenage years while designing this morning. 🎶

: Picked up a copy of How To Take Smart Notes with a gift card I got from work and had forgotten …

: Connected Matter to Notion to give it a try as a place to store all my reference material. Starting …

: Really want this for the wall by my desk. Dieter Rams10 Principles Limited-Edition Letterpress Print

: My personal Mac has reached the age where it’s not eligible for new updates to macOS. My iPad …

: Watching the WWDC keynote. Interesting start to iOS 16.


: Happy play off finals day! Half time and Forest are 1-0 up… we can do it 🫣 ⚽️

: Happy Jerusalem Day! 🇮🇱

: I love articles that show the tools of choice for designers and artists like this one from Jonny …

: Inside · Writing Over the last few months I’ve come across a number of personal blogs which have been inspiring me …

: Decided to give the Fastmail app a go on my iPhone instead of using mail. We’ll see how I get on.

: I made a mistake and read the comments. Never. Read. The. Comments.

: Enjoyed watching Mr Gregory Porter at the Jazz Festival tonight. Wonderful music. 🎵

: I enjoyed David Sparks’ calendar tricks webinar about getting the most from a digital calendar. I’ve …

: Love this project by Max Braun to bring an iSight back to life. I bought a Logitech stream cam as it …

: In Atomic Habits author James Clear states: The greater the obstacle—that is, the more difficult …

: Giving Ulysses another go to see if I should keep the subscription or not.

: Happy Easter! “He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.” …

: Having a culture of writing at work Chris Hannah with an interesting post about writing at work. I go through phases at work where I …

: Having a culture of writing at work Chris Hannah with an interesting post about writing at work. I go through phases at work where I …

: The missing link This post was written when this blog was based on Jekyll before I moved back to WordPress. I have …

: Work, Family, Scene - Pick two Life is about tradeoffs. When we know what to say no to, and we know why, we can say yes with …

: The missing link When I moved the blog to Jekyll last year I made several decisions about the posts I would bring …

: Work, Family, Scene - Pick two Life is about tradeoffs. When we know what to say no to, and we know why, we can say yes with …

: What about this for an Apple lineup? MacBook, MacBook Studio, and MacBook Pro with iPad, iPad …

: Spent the evening watching the football and adding link posts to my blog. Still some refinement to …

: It’s world book day today, how did I forget!? To celebrate, what’s the book that’s like a blanket on …

: Opened this beautiful coffee this morning ☕️

: Not quite sure why, but each day I’m chipping away at my Obsidian interface to get rid of some …

: It’s both palindrome and ambigram day today. 22022022. Very cool…

: My Obsidian has never looked more Mac like.

: Face ID really needs to be able to work when it’s raining without the need to take my glasses off.

: Also finding myself intrigued by Mastodon having never really given it much thought before.

: Spent the morning playing with a ClassicPress install… made some good theme progress. Still not sure …

: I’ve rediscovered Stickies on macOS recently. Anyone know of a more modern version? The collapsed …

: Wordle made its move to the New York Times website and I’ve lost all my stats. I thought that wasn’t …

: Today was a hard Wordle day, turns out some words are 5 letters in America but 6 in the UK… 😑 …

: Having a real crises of blogging at the moment. Backed myself into a corner by using Jekyll on my …

: This week has been a battle. All I’ve wanted to do is sit on the sofa and read, maybe with a bit of …

: Tried using Obsidian to manage my work tasks for a tighter integration of their associated notes. A …

: Finished reading: The Return of the King by J. R. R. Tolkien 📚

: WhatsApp now works with the Focus mode feature of Apple devices. Time to give it a proper go since I …

: Today is Holocaust Memorial Day. We must never forget what happened to over 6 million Jews, and we …

: Was caught between the answer and another word for the third guess. Went the wrong way… Wordle 222 …

: Anyone remember Yojimbo? Didn’t realise it was still being updated although it looks a bit …

: Wordle 220 5/6 ⬛⬛🟨🟨⬛ 🟩⬛🟨⬛⬛ 🟩🟨⬛⬛⬛ 🟩⬛🟨⬛🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Brain’s a bit slow this morning.

: In trying to reduce the number of subscriptions I’m paying for I tried to go back to using the …

: What a win for Forest today. Nothing like beating your local rivals! 🥳🥳⚽️

: Had the day off today. Nice to go have some coffee and food in Birmingham for a change of scene. …

: Dinner out tonight. Ramen with some sashimi on the side. Full to bursting now. 🍜 🍣

: Last year I moved my blog to Jekyll, but I’m considering moving “back” to WordPress in the form of …

: Twitter tells me I’ve been a member for 15 years today. Sheesh. That also means I’ve been blogging …

: No you sat waiting for a file to publish without realising you hadn’t clicked ok. Thought it was …

: I wrote something about depression. Any day can be Blue Monday

: Any day can be Blue Monday Today, the third Monday of January, is commonly referred to as Blue Monday. It’s considered to be …

: Any day can be Blue Monday Today, the third Monday of January, is commonly referred to as Blue Monday. It’s considered to be …

: 🟩⬜️⬜️🟩⬜️ 🟩⬜️🟨🟩🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Sometimes it just clicks but I was fortunate with my first guess.

: Reviewing some of my subscriptions that are up for renewal soon. Decided to have a look at the built …

: At the end of a long week an hour on the sofa reading The Return of the King was exactly what I …

: I got a yellow HomePod mini for Christmas, it arrived yesterday, and I’m finding it really hard to …

: Keep it simple… Part of my approach to the new year involved rediscovering one of my habits. I’ve been trying …

: Keep it simple… Part of my approach to the new year involved rediscovering one of my habits. I've been trying to …

: I really dislike the way businesses refer to people as resources. Four meetings today and everyone …

: Discovered that iA Writer has the ability to publish to Time to give it another go I …

: Thanks to Hook I’m finding myself looking at notes apps that play nicely with it. Obsidian is …

: My right AirPod seems to be dying. It struggles to connect and then when it does loses it’s …

: Bought a bird feeder to stick on a window in my flat. I hope it doesn’t take too long to attract …

: Ordered one the new Chipolo Card Spots. I’ve wanted Apple to release an AirTag like this, but …

: Followed the film with a couple of cocktails. Not normally my drink of choice but they were fun.

: Went to see the new Matrix film last night. Enjoyed it ok the whole, but it was a bit of a weird …

: I tried to add a micro pub endpoint to my Jekyll blog. Got to the stage of being able to sign in …

: My time for work playlist Over the years I’ve developed a few strategies to help get me in to the right frame of mind to …

: My time for work playlist Over the years I've developed a few strategies to help get me in to the right frame of mind to work. …

: I can confirm counselling in 2022 is no easier than it was in 2021 or 2020. 😞

: 🟧🟩🟩⬜️⬜️ ⬜️🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Pretty much smashed Wordle today!

: Found myself listening to the Dune soundtrack on repeat today. Really good for working too. 🎵

: All the Christmas decorations are down, the new year is well and truly underway now. Since it’s no …

: Straight into a whole day workshop on the first day back to work is a brutal way to start the year. …

: Really impressed with how well Ulysses works with Hadn’t realised you could update posts …

: I’ve been thinking about how to approach the idea of New Year’s resolutions. I’m not a fan of them, …

: I want my hobby back One thing I want to do more of this year it to write. Back when I started blogging in 2005 or 2006 I …

: I want my hobby back One thing I want to do more of this year it to write. Back when I started blogging in 2005 or 2006 I …

: I want my hobby back One thing I want to do more of this year it to write. Back when I started blogging in 2005 or 2006 I …

: Happy new year micro bloggers. I hope 2022 is full of joy and happiness. It’s been a difficult …

: Forest are unexpectedly on Sky Sports this afternoon after being one of only 2 games in the …

: Any Fastmail users out there tried this email app? It’s the first one I’ve found that uses JMAP.

: Well this is my Christmas reading sorted! Enjoyed the TV show on Prime so looking forward to reading …

: Happy Christmas micro bloggers!

: I wonder if there is a way to post to from Obsidian. 🤔

: Boosted 💉

: I’ve found myself watching Star Wars the last couple of days. I wanted to watch a series of …

: Absolute fix! 🏎

: I’ve been considering replacing my Kindle for a while since the screen has a few small cracks in it. …

: Interesting the Matter has released a plugin to sync with Obsidian. Maybe I need to give it a proper …

: Noticed that Icro is being updated again so have reinstalled it to give it another try.

: Really like this new Obsidian replacement icon. Straight on to my Mac installations.

: Saw Dune at the weekend. Really enjoyed it. Beautifully shot and the design of some of the items was …

: One of my favourite tweaks in Monterey is that full screen apps can now have the menu bar showing …

: Eeesh, Shortcuts in Monterey is rough… I’d heard the reports but didn’t expect it to be …

: End of the week. Phew. Time to relax and wind down a bit.

: It’s come to my attention that Windows is recommending to display at 150% on my colleagues …

: I’ve noticed a weird trend. I prefer reading on paper books, but when I read on my kindle I …

: Reviewed iOS apps for Pinboard and it seems like none of them are developed anymore. Scrapping the …

: Logged into my Pinboard account again and set it up with Hook on my Mac. Need to spend some time …

: Nice day out in Bristol. Tried a new coffee place that made coffee that tasted as good as the …

: I made soup for lunch. Forgot to buy parsley to go in it… still tasted good.

: It’s a dark mode kind of morning.

: Instead of writing I made some design changes to my blog, because why write when you can tinker…

: I do not understand people who take calls in public on speaker phone and hold their phone out in …

: I now have a mastodon username, never tried mastodon though, so maybe I should look into it.

: No matter how old I get or how old the show gets, but Friends will always be like a comfort blanket …

: Watched the first episode of Foundation last night. Really enjoyed it. Time for episode 2.

: Custom domain is now working on my Been trying to get it working for a while. I finally …

: I love my iPad. I can do everything on it I need except for design work. I’ve tried no end of …

: Fastmail and 1Password have created a masked email integration. Really great idea, I’ll be …

: As a birthday treat to myself I bought a HomePod mini to replace the echo and Sonos One in my …

: Got given a Lamy 2000 ball point for my birthday yesterday. I love the design, even nicer in the …

: Playing with my iPad home screen now I have access to more widgets. Didn’t realise you can …

: This Apple Music playlist has been good for my soul this morning. Found it thanks to the …

: Got my updated driving licence. Why do I always look like a convict in the photo?

: I never understand why task management apps truncate the task title instead of wrapping the text.

: First day back after a week off work. Finally made it to the bottom of the pile of emails and Teams …

: Watched the Apple event. Considering replacing my XS with a 13, but not sure if I need it just yet. …

: Having a week away with my parents. Went for a wander around Leominster today.

: I really like the idea behind the Logi Dock. I’m looking at a dock of some kind for my laptop …

: I’ve been looking at Hook again this week. I really love the concept of it and I see that it …

: Very gloomy weather this morning. It’s a dark mode and headphones kind of day.

: Put the iOS 15 beta on my iPhone over the weekend. I actually really like new Safari, although …

: Blocked off my day into three distinct chunks today. It worked really well. Made progress on three …

: Not quite sure why, but I’ve made the docks on both my Macs and my iPad match their layout …

: I wrote a post. First one in a while. It’s about elephants.

: Apparently the RSS feed for my Jekyll powered blog isn’t working. That’s a project to fix for the …

: Culturedcode added markdown support to the notes field in Things. Since version 3 Things has always …

: World Elephant Day Is Today This morning I found out that it's world elephant day. It's one of those facts which has stuck in my …

: I’ve found myself working in 2.5 hour bursts today. It’s been much more productive than …

: New coffee delivery! Looking forward to trying these fun bags ☕️

: It’s a big day at work today as school pupils receive their results and get their places at …

: New tyres on my car fitted at the start of the week. Came out to this last night. Inspected it this …

: Apple redesigned their online store. Some major scrolling issues with my Logitech mouse. They seem …

: I don’t understand the concept of snoozing email… what’s the benefit?

: Working in the office today. Had to come in for a breakfast workshop and decided to book a desk to …

: I’ve been trying to use Reminders to manage my tasks lately, but finally got to the point …

: Watched the first episode of the new Ted Lasso. Love that Nottingham Forest are in it! You reds! ⚽️

: Had a minor panic this morning that my fan was broken. The blades were barely spinning, but a few …

: Going to try a little experiment today and keep MarsEdit open while I work in an attempt to be more …

: I’ve been using Apple Podcasts for the last few months, but it’s slow sync is causing me to look …

: My new Jekyll powered blog is now live. It’s an initial release and I plan to iterate on it going …

: Great win from England tonight, on to the semi final against Denmark. One game at a time. ⚽️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

: Welcome to version 8 of my blog As the title says, welcome to the eighth official version of my blog. This one has been a while in …

: Imported my Goodreads library to Now to sit down and go through my want to read page and …

: I’ve noticed a trend recently that I’m not using Alexa that often anymore and instead I’m using Siri …

: Thinking about installing the iPadOS 15 public beta. Normally I wait until the 3rd one but seems to …

: A great second half from England. Finally we beat Germany in a tournament! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 ⚽️

: Disappointing that the Safari Tech Preview doesn’t sync tab groups across my two Macs running …

: Downloaded Safari Tech Preview for Big Sur. Not sure about some of the hidden UI elements but …

: Big Mail has arrived. I was really looking forward to it, but the subscription pricing looks like …

: A couple of days off to end the week. I’ve a whole week off at the end of June/beginning of July. …

: Looking forward to WWDC. Definitely some Messages updates in the works judging by the waiting …

: One thing I want Apple to announce tonight is better support for “Do not disturb” on the Mac. Let me …

: New coffee: Fazenda Recanto, Brazil roasted by Quarter Horse Coffee with tasting notes of …

: I’ve been building myself a new blog using Jekyll as the back end. I’ve moved a lot of the posts …

: I’ve been playing around with my Obsidian theme, it feels really at home on macOS apart from …

: Workout 2 of The Body Coach done. Too many squats. 🥵

: Second dose of the vaccine done. 💉

: Twitter won’t remove posts comparing Israel to Covid and Nazi’s. Absolutely disgusting.

: New coffee: Hacienda Sonora, Costa Rica roasted by Quarter Horse Coffee with tasting notes of …

: Why is there no universal font size setting on macOS like there is on iOS? It would make working on …

: My promotion to Senior UX/UI Designer at work has been officially announced so marking the occasion …

: Day off and the power is off. Wonderful.

: I think after a few weeks of continual cleaning my Magic Keyboard is at a point where I don’t need …

: Want to read: Laws of UX: Using Psychology to Design Better Products & Services by Jon Yablonski …

: Finished work for the day. It’s felt like a slog today but got there in the end. Gradually moving …

: Apple Music has started recommending some radio shows to me. I approve of this.

: Anyone remember Yojimbo? I used to have a massive database of reference stuff in that app, but when …

: Managed to get Jekyll working locally now. Started to play around with it learning how it works and …

: Currently reading: The Two Towers (The Lord of the Rings, Book 2) by J. R. R. Tolkien 📚

: Successfully installed Jekyll locally on my Mac, apart from being able to view the site… but the …

: New coffee: Palmyra Estate, Panama roasted by Quarter Horse Coffee with tasting notes of Caramel, …

: New book arrived yesterday. The first in a new series from an author I’ve not read before. Always …

: Went into the office for the first time since the pandemic began. It was good to do before I’m …

: New coffee: Balmaadi natural, Tamil Nadu, India roasted by Ozone Coffee Roasters with tasting notes …

: Started time blocking my tasks in the calendar this week, it’s been quite effective. I feel like I’m …

: Spent the afternoon working through some wireframes for a new feature. Typically things only started …

: Ordered some rubbing alcohol today to give cleaning the iPad magic keyboard another go. Wishful …

: Decided to move my micro style posts from my blog to I’ll make all the versions on …

: Anyone have any suggestions for Bluetooth headsets for use on Teams? Fed up of the wires that my …

: My OnMail invitation came through so I set up a free account. Not sure whether to point my email at …

: Decided to give the dock on the bottom ago on my Mac. Been a dock on the left guy for so long that …

: It seems operation fox keyboard has not worked. Time to start a fund to buy a replacement magic …

: Watching the Formula E. They are racing on a proper circuit, albeit a modified version, which has …

: iPad keyboard seems to be mostly recovered. The space bar could do with a bit more cleaning I think, …

: All the effected keys are off and cleaned. Giving everything a once over again and then reassembly …

: Operation rescue iPad magic keyboard is underway.

: I spilt iced tea on my iPad magic keyboard a couple of days ago and now I have a mushy space bar. …

: Discovered today that the Kindle app on iOS gives you stats on your reading. Interesting to look …

: My iPad is rapidly becoming my favourite computer. Used Keynote in anger today and actually enjoyed …

: Something seems to have gone wrong today. I’ve had two meetings and they’ve both been …

: First haircut in 4 months. Feels great 😊

: A tool for thinking Yesterday as I was sat on my sofa watching the Sunday morning church service on YouTube I had my …

: Sad to see that Prince Philip has died this morning and only 2 months short of his 100th birthday.

: Yom HaShoah Today is Yom HaShoah, or Holocaust Remembrance Day, in Israel. Racism has been in the news a lot of …

: One thing that drives me mad with Obsidian is that it doesn’t always show the file name as a title …

: It snowed. In April. This time last week it was 20 degrees and I was wearing shorts…

: I keep getting lost reading Andy Matuschak’s notes particularly around his evergreen notes concept. …

: He is risen!

: The notes app quest continues I’ve been continuing to seek out a notes app that works for me as well as I would like it too. A …

: Realised I hadn’t bought any Easter eggs so went out to buy some. Nope. Everywhere is sold out, …

: My library has moved over to using Libby for lending of ebooks etc. It offers a download in ePub for …

: Considering going back to using Instapaper for my read later service instead of Reeders own version. …

: Trying out scribble on the iPad version of Things today during meetings. Seems like a good way of …

: Decided to try Obsidian again this week after reading about it over the weekend. Found a way to make …

: Installed Ghost locally to have a play and see what the theme system is like. I’ve been thinking of …

: Starting to feel a bit more human again. The side effects from the vaccine are mostly gone now …

: Had a rough night thanks to vaccine side effects. All in the common or very common category, so …

: Trying out the new Ulysses and Micro Blog integration. Nice and simple, I should’ve expected it to …

: Vaccine time. Amazing how quickly this has come about.

: Picked up these beers for a weekend treat. Love the labels on them.

: Got my invitation to book my Covid vaccine today, a lot earlier than expected given my age group.

: I have today off work, and I woke up over an hour before I normally would. I did not sign up for …

: Two blog posts in two days. What is happening with the world!?

: Searching for the perfect notes app For the last 6 months or so I have been using Roam Research as my notes app. The daily note turned …

: I had been thinking about replacing one of my Amazon Echoes with a HomePod mini but Apple killing …

: I removed Jetpack from my Wordpress blog last week. When I posted this morning I realised I was …

: It would be great if we could schedule the widgets that appear on the iPad home screen. In the …

: Speaking of proper native Mac apps. I wish there was one for Teams. The official app is a cludgy …

: I really wish there was a native Sonos app for the Mac, one which responds my Mac in a similar way …

: I discovered the Craft and Things integration so I’ve moved all my tasks out of Reminders and …

: Sad to discover that Murray Walker has died at the good old age of 97. He was the voice of Formula …

: I’ve also fired Day One up again, I used the app years ago and I figured since one of the things …

: Gave the app Agenda a try this morning hoping to use it for meeting notes and capturing inline tasks …

: Giving Craft a try today. I’ve read a few things recently about Roam’s security that has …

: Back to work today, I don’t feel quite as rested today as I did last week but the show must go on. …

: Just realised it’s the return of Formula One this month! 🥳🏎

: My Fastmail spam filters seems to have turned themselves up. Found a load of legitimate email in it …

: Today is the start of another long weekend, I have today and Monday off work again. I plan to spend …

: Considering going back to Things to handle all my Tasks, or maybe Reminders, I feel like Roam …

: We’re supposed to be implementing a no calls or meetings policy at work on a Wednesday …

: Today is a dark mode day I think. It’s very grey and cold outside, the sun of the weekend …

: Routines On my lunch break today as I sat reading some RSS feeds, I came across a [Daily Blogging Challenge] …

: Always with the accidental screenshots when trying to turn up the volume on my iPhone 😖

: The painting continues to progress, lots of repainting things but it’s slowly starting to look a …

: Realised that I can now post from Gluon instead of the official Micro.Blog app. It’s a little nicer …

: Really enjoyed this episode of Thouroughly Considered debating the future of the Mac and iPad. I’m …

: It’s starting to feel like spring is coming, the sky is blue and clear, the sun is shining, plants …

: Speaking to my parents earlier we realised it’s a year since Mum’s cancer diagnosis. Feels like a …

: In the spirit of showing my work, the self portrait is progressing. I’m very rusty and it’s starting …

: Another day of work today as I try to use up my annual leave before the end of March. I’ve dug out …

: Micro blogging again I’ve recently made some changes to the hosting for my blog and other websites as part of the …

: Typical that the time I make the decision to try a separate micro blog my domain register is having …

: A quick test from the iOS app to make sure I changed the settings properly.

: Decided to try a paid version of out for shorter posts while I figure out if I want it …

: Lockdown 3 We have been in Lockdown 3 for a few weeks now as Covid-19 continues to spread through the …

: Domain conundrums Over the years I’ve amassed a number of domains for various websites I’ve wanted to create. A few of …

: Grey day Today has been a grey and foggy day, it’s felt like a real reflection of the mood of the last month. …

: Thanksgiving Today is Thanksgiving in America, and despite being a Brit I thought it would be good to try and …

: An acknowledgement I’ve had this blog in one form or another since I was 21, earlier posts have been lost in the many …

: Finally sorting my road bike out, cleaned and oiled up. Time to start using her as my daily exercise …

: From my trip to Rome at the end of November, when we could walk freely around a beautiful city.

: Took this a few weeks ago when I was walking home one evening. It was peaceful then. Now when you go …

: Got these cakes for my birthday yesterday and Forest followed up with a win tonight to go top of the …


: Bank holiday coffee by the lake.

: Lego I’ve been struggling with my depression again the last couple of months. I’ve been lent a massive …

: 07/05/2019, 17:36 Confession time, I’ve never once snoozed an email. I don’t understand why people want to snooze …

: 01/05/2019, 18:34 Starting to play around and appreciate the camera on the iPhone XS a bit more. Only had it a couple …

: 26/04/2019, 20:51 I’ve been making use of my Starling Bank current account more this month. Starting to think it’s …

: 24/04/2019, 21:05 Feeling the itch to redesign my blog for the first time in a long time. Might use it as a way to …

: 20/04/2019, 18:48 He is not here, for he has risen, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay. Matthew 28:6

: 02/04/2019, 18:48 Excited for this to arrive today! Big fan of @austinkleon’s other books.

: 13/01/2019, 18:19 Really encouraging morning at church seeing three of the youth get baptised, followed by an …

: 12/01/2019, 21:10 Trying to limit myself to only having two books on the go at any one time this year. One fiction and …

: 12/01/2019, 20:42 How good would it be if we could attach Shortcuts to notification types? For example, if I have a …

: 12/01/2019, 20:36 On a somewhat related note, I have two draws of DVDs that I never use. I feel like I should get them …

: 12/01/2019, 20:35 Had a productive yet restful Saturday, managed to sort out a load of paperwork and do a grocery …

: 11/01/2019, 20:38 Had to reset my Apple ID password, now things aren’t syncing in iMessage. Not a good experience.

: 07/01/2019, 21:42 Took the church youth out bowling this evening, great fun had by all as far as I could tell. Got my …

: 05/01/2019, 21:42 Over the last year I’ve been using YNAB to help manage my finances. It wasn’t all plain sailing, I …

: 05/01/2019, 21:32 My Apple TV seems to have gained some new flyover screen savers, some particularly interesting ones …

: 02/01/2019, 22:34 Nothing quite like a good old fashioned wet shave to relax yourself before bed. Haven’t used my …

: 01/01/2019, 22:20 Really enjoyed using my iPad so much over the Christmas holiday. Left my Mac at home so I wasn’t …

: 31/12/2018, 15:01 @manton @cheesemaker I can’t sign into my WordPress blog in Sunlit on my iPad, crashes each time I …

: 30/12/2018, 21:36 Trying to decide whether to make any resolutions for the new year or if it’s time to try a different …

: 25/12/2018, 20:37 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son …

: 24/12/2018, 19:22 Finally finished work for Christmas, looking forward to a week off and a chance to unwind 🍻

: 23/12/2018, 21:01 Finally got all the presents wrapped.

: 22/12/2018, 19:17 Nothing like a little snooze on the sofa when you’re feeling a bit under the weather. Not such a big …

: 19/12/2018, 21:08 Finally got some Christmas cards written. Tomorrow starts the big wrap, after I’ve bought the …

: 18/12/2018, 20:40 I keep finding myself looking at the Apple Watch a lot lately, something about the Series 4 is …

: 16/12/2018, 23:06 Finished a lovely weekend celebrating my Mum’s birthday with a delicious meal out.

: 15/12/2018, 23:17 I’m also aiming to find a way of introducing exercise into my weekly routines. I walk a decent …

: 15/12/2018, 23:14 Realising I need to get my diet under control, this year I’ve gained weight rather than lost it and …

: 08/12/2018, 14:07 I really dislike WordPress paging and custom queries. No matter what I do it never works and it …

: 05/12/2018, 22:18 Put my Christmas tree up tonight and wrapped my Secret Santa ready for the first Christmas work so …

: Two States of Perfection For as long as I can remember I've had a sketchbook on the go. I think I established the habit when …

: The Blogging Habit When I first started writing a blog I was 20. It was my first year of university, and I'd somehow …

: 17/11/2018, 21:33 Watched the new Coldplay film, A Head Full of Dreams, this evening. Fascinating insight, and a great …

: 07/11/2018, 16:42 Spent what felt like an age trying to work out why my WordPress query wasn’t working …

: 05/11/2018, 12:57 New slippers have arrived and I am unreasonably excited by this. They look good, they’re very …

: 04/11/2018, 21:25 Saw First Man at the cinema this evening. Brilliant film, wasn’t quite prepared for the level of …

: 30/10/2018, 18:59 Man alive the new iPad Pro is insane. I’d love to have a play with one of those, just hope that some …

: 30/10/2018, 18:05 Catching up on the Apple Event since I couldn’t watch it live while I worked today. The new …

: 19/10/2018, 22:16 I told Alexa to speak less, not my Echo just makes a noise when I tell it to change my light …

: 15/10/2018, 20:36 Saw my second NFL game in London last night, the first time the Seahawks have been in the UK so the …

: 11/10/2018, 06:06 Winter is coming. Leaving for work in the dark. I don’t like it.

: 10/10/2018, 12:24 Thinking about participating in Movember again this year, did it a couple of years ago and with …

: 04/10/2018, 12:01 My turn to be featured on The Scandinavian Coffee Pod on Instagram!

: 29/09/2018, 19:18 Autumn has well and truly arrived in Cheltenham this week, it’s one of my favourite times of the …

: 29/09/2018, 19:12 Had a good birthday week, although could’ve done without the mega busy Saturday shift in the coffee …

: 24/09/2018, 12:00 Ah man, all these macOS app updates are making me want to update to Mojave as soon as it’s …

: 29/08/2018, 21:27 Great win for Forest tonight. Hopefully they can push on from there, played really well, solid at …

: 13/08/2018, 15:19 Afternoon naps. 👍🏻

: 12/08/2018, 15:58 Had a trip into the unknown this afternoon, my parents attic. Lot’s of boxes now in the garage …

: 06/08/2018, 18:11 Decided to do a meat free Monday today in an effort to eat more vegetables. Made basil pesto to …

: 04/08/2018, 22:23 What’s the best way to handle locations from Sunlit on a WordPress blog?

: 04/08/2018, 06:54 It’s football day! There’s nothing quite like the optimism of the first game of the season, but this …

: 03/08/2018, 18:30 Turns out, that when the UK has a heat wave, in early August it’s impossible to find navy shorts in …

: 01/08/2018, 18:31 Yesterday I moved my podcast setup to Apple Podcasts. Today I tried to listen to a podcast without …

: 01/08/2018, 14:58 There’s something about having the test match on in the background while I work. It’s as …

: 31/07/2018, 19:33 Having spent some time playing around with Indie Web features on my WordPress blog, I’m now …

: 31/07/2018, 11:16 I’ve been using iCloud Drive for the last couple of years, since it became able to sync …

: 31/07/2018, 10:50 I managed to lock myself out of my flat yesterday, the perils of front door that locks on close. An …

: 29/07/2018, 22:15 I really enjoyed Le Tour de France this year, it reignited my interest in cycling. Great to have …

: 28/07/2018, 13:17 The best Saturday lunch times are the ones when there’s a mixed conditions #F1 qualifying session. …

: 26/07/2018, 20:17 Two days in a row I’ve fallen asleep on the sofa for an unplanned nap after I’ve gotten home from …

: 23/07/2018, 18:05 Took advantage of an offer in the supermarket yesterday to buy a steak. Just had it for dinner. …

: 22/07/2018, 21:59 Discovered this evening that I couldn’t find the key to my bike lock, which is currently locked to …

: 22/07/2018, 18:29 Ran out of hay fever tablets a few days ago and thought I’d see how I would be without buying some …

: 21/07/2018, 20:18 It’s been a long week. I’m getting too old to be working on my feet for 40 hours and a further 15 …

: 20/07/2018, 20:37 Slowly moving all my sites over to Sass as I get to them. Contracting to a local studio has really …

: 20/07/2018, 19:56 Spending my Friday evening playing around with my blog and trying out an implementation of Post …

: 17/07/2018, 21:25 Finished the day with the news that a family holiday has been booked for September. Looking forward …

: 16/07/2018, 21:27 Is it weird that despite it being so hot – and set to continue being so – that I miss wearing …

: 14/07/2018, 14:46 No you were the one getting increasingly annoyed and perplexed that a simple CSS rule wasn’t …

: 03/07/2018, 21:23 Thanks to the England game going to extra time my 26 day streak of 10,000+ steps a day ends here.

: 03/07/2018, 20:56 Man alive that was stressful! Get in England. #worldcup ⚽️

: 27/06/2018, 16:54 This hot weather we’re getting in the UK at the moment is causing havoc with Touch ID. …

: 25/06/2018, 13:31 This is a very interesting article about the influence of Facebook and Google has over society and …

: 22/06/2018, 16:35 Very enjoyable Friday afternoon designing webpages for the studio I’m working for a day a week. …

: 21/06/2018, 18:48 Whilst it’s been enjoyable having the World Cup on a lot at the moment, the Championship …

: 21/06/2018, 18:43 This week has been the first one for years that I’ve spent more time doing design work than I …

: 19/06/2018, 21:23 Productive day working on client projects, managed to solve a problem that had been driving me mad …

: 19/06/2018, 12:25 Been working with a local web design studio the last couple of weeks, they use Sketch so I’ve …

: 17/06/2018, 13:47 Made the move back to Apple Music yesterday. Spotify just doesn’t click for me, I don’t find it as …

: 14/06/2018, 09:17 It’s World Cup day, a month of football on tv nearly everyday. Looking forward to it! ⚽️ #worldcup

: 10/06/2018, 21:20 Finishing the weekend with some music, a glass of wine, and Cereal magazine. Great to have a …

: 10/06/2018, 14:51 Church this morning and then a chance to continue hanging out with my church family in the sun with …

: 09/06/2018, 09:54 Finally got around to using the latest update of Things on my iPad with a keyboard attached. …

: 04/06/2018, 17:17 Back from work in time for the WWDC keynote just in time. This is usually my favourite event Apple …

: 03/06/2018, 21:54 Just back from seeing Solo. Enjoyed it on the whole but can’t work out where it fits in the …

: 29/05/2018, 11:14 Switched the domain of my blog this morning from to Think I’ve …

: 25/05/2018, 19:09 Changing the main domain I use for my freelance design work to use Not sure what …

: 25/05/2018, 18:02 Ending the working with a beer to celebrate an exciting email I got this afternoon while watching …

: 24/05/2018, 16:53 Hmmm, this Instapaper thing seems a bit sketchy. Anyone got any replacement recommendations aside …

: 22/05/2018, 17:37 So 1Password just released a new version of their Mac app. Seems like they are really pushing you …

: 20/05/2018, 20:58 Reflecting back on a really nice weekend. A great balance of time with friends and family, being …

: 19/05/2018, 12:13 If there’s one thing Britain does well, it’s pomp and pageantry. Love it. The Royal Family is a …

: 19/05/2018, 11:18 Relaxed start to the weekend meeting my parents for breakfast. Now watching the Royal Wedding before …

: 16/05/2018, 19:44 A couple of weeks ago I decided I was going to try and watch less TV/Netflix in the evening. I …

: 12/05/2018, 21:08 You know you have a good friend when they ring for a catch up and when the call ends you realise …

: 12/05/2018, 16:48 I don’t know why it never occurred to me before, but mind map apps are excellent ways of visually …

: 12/05/2018, 16:11 Spent some of this afternoon going through my old design projects and picking which I’m going to …

: 11/05/2018, 20:57 9:50pm on a Friday and finally calling it a day. The curse of double jobbing, a 14.5 hour work day. …

: 10/05/2018, 20:39 Any web development people know why a htaccess rule to change to php 7 is causing the file to …

: 09/05/2018, 20:45 A real pet hate of mine is when someone from a different profession tries to treat me like a tool to …

: 09/05/2018, 17:58 Chopped some chillis up to put them in my bolognese which is currently in the oven. Apparently I …

: 06/05/2018, 21:20 I’ve been an Apple Music user since the beginning, but decided to give Spotify a go for the month. …

: 05/05/2018, 22:36 It’s been a long week with a busy final shift today. Looking forward to enjoying the sun over …

: 04/05/2018, 20:58 Since I’m posting to this site with a bit more freedom and making use of post formats such as …

: 04/05/2018, 20:06 Noticed a weird thing with my posts that any likes etc, aren’t showing up. This one would be a …

: 04/05/2018, 18:20 The Giro d’Italia started today, the first of cycling’s grand tours to start outside of Europe, and …

: Apologies to my Mum (and anyone else who gets notified by email about new posts) for the couple of …

: 03/05/2018, 19:19 Giving the new verson of for Mac a go and importing my Instagram archive to the blog …

: 02/05/2018, 21:07 Connected my Echo Dot to my amp and speakers while I give Amazon Music Unlimited a free trial. …

: 02/05/2018, 16:49 New glasses arrived. Prescription hasn’t changed since the last pair but factory clean lenses still …

: The Bulletin Board I’ve been reading Austin Kleon’s blog since January, I find the way that he speaks about his …

: 30/04/2018, 09:47 Made a few tweaks to the new navigation this morning. Hopefully it’ll actually work on smaller …

: 29/04/2018, 20:52 Just realised I forgot to optimise the new blog navigation for mobile devices. Too late now, my …

: 29/04/2018, 20:46 Really nice to see have my parents visit today, makes my flat feel even more like my home when they …

: 29/04/2018, 20:30 Continued to develop the new theme for my blog a bit this evening. Put a bit of navigation in place …

: 28/04/2018, 20:12 Turned out that today was an unexpected free one, bar a couple of hours. Enjoyed the chance to work …

: 27/04/2018, 22:41 I’ve a photo I took a few years ago from my second trip to Israel that I really want printed and …

: 27/04/2018, 22:38 Always good to enjoy a catch up with old friends over a good burger and a glass of wine or two!

: 26/04/2018, 20:59 Fed up of opening to my inbox where there might be emails despite there being none moments …

: 26/04/2018, 20:04 The curse of double jobbing. A 10 hour shift on my feet all day followed by some late tweaks to a …

: 25/04/2018, 21:14 Words are important. A single word can mean so much. It can have many meanings depending on context, …

: 25/04/2018, 11:19 Home try on from Glasses Direct arrived this morning. In need of some new sunglasses but the two for …

: 24/04/2018, 17:44 An extra day of doing design work tomorrow which I hadn’t expected, unfortunately it means I’m …

: 24/04/2018, 13:41 I genuinely love CSS Grid. Never before has designing something visually interesting and easily …

: 23/04/2018, 17:03 I’ve seen several posts on Twitter today commenting that because the media is reporting about …

: 23/04/2018, 14:07 Really enjoyed working a piece of print design this afternoon. I really enjoy designing and building …

: 22/04/2018, 20:55 Always fun to try out a new beta for a app. This time Icro from @hartlco, impressed so …

: 22/04/2018, 20:44 Also pleased to get the first instance of the new word mark for my name that I’ve been …

: 22/04/2018, 20:41 Just to demonstrate my thinking behind getting a very unfinished new theme up on the blog, …

: 22/04/2018, 19:39 The first part of that is a new theme for my blog, or at least the beginnings of one. I’ve …

: Decided that tonight I’m not going to turn the TV on in an attempt to stop myself wasting …

: 22/04/2018, 19:46 Another typical Forest performance. Defensively frail at set pieces and didn’t take the …

: 23/04/2018, 10:42 Getting ready to watch Nottingham Forest v Cardiff City with a Cardiff supporting friend. There …

: Had a nice start to the weekend enjoying a couple of glasses of wine, catching up on Designated …

: 22/04/2018, 19:49 @colinwalker just exploring your method of adding the date to a tile of a status post, does the code …

: Such a beautifully sunny day today, sucks to be stuck looking out at it whilst at work, but …

: The world is going mad. I’ve just seen a shampoo advert with one of it’s points being that it …

: Downloaded Drafts 5 to give it a go. Any hints for a new user?

: I haven’t listened to Beats 1 since Apple Music first came out, but today I discovered that Bonobo …

: Decided to turn off cross posting from my blog to Twitter for microposts. Might look into doing it …

: Shift 4 of 4 today. Really looking forward to a day off tomorrow, it’s been a long week.

: Gah, can’t seem to get iOS to post photos to my blog properly.

: Very intrigued by the updated iPad with Apple Pencil support. Since it was released the Pencil …

: The more I use CSS Grid the more I wish for the ability to set a baseline in my CSS. It seems like a …

: Many years behind the curve, but I now have Windows running in Parallels on my Mac so that I can fix …

: Forgot to wear my hat to work this morning. I don’t think my ears have ever been colder than they …

: Today is the 30th day of posting to my blog in a row. I set myself the challenge to post everyday …

: I was going to start a new running programme this week, but with the weather as cold as it is …

: 04/05/2018, 19:25 Enjoyed a little trip to Oxford to see Designing English at The Bodleian Library. Good to get out …

: On weeks that have felt as long as this one, a glass of wine on the sofa in front of a great film …

: Netflix has got some brilliant older films on at the moment. Tonight’s viewing while I sorted my …

: Made the mistake of reading Twitters trending topic for Billy Graham. Disgusted by the hate filled …

: A bit of late night work done tonight. Probably not the best idea, but sometimes you just have to …

: It’s Micro Monday on and I figured it was time to share another nomination since …

: Depression is a funny thing. Sometimes, out of no where, it hits you with a bad day and the prospect …

: Pretty sure there was just a minor earthquake tremor in Cheltenham.

: Watching some skeleton in the Winter Olympics. They’re absolutely nuts.

: Establishing New Habits Without Apps I’ve been trying to establish some new habits lately so this was a timely post from CJ Chilvers. …

: Watched Slumdog Millionaire for the first time this evening. Not sure why it took me so long to see …

: My Secret Battle – a Grief Shared This week I can across the blog is Simon Thomas. He’s a Sky Sports presenter and a Christian, known …

: My walk to work this morning was in day light. My walk home from work this evening was in day light. …

: Not sure why I’ve never looked into using svg files for logo’s on websites until today. …

: Siri has stopped working with third party apps for tasks, it just keeps telling me I need to …

: Starting to feel the value in my recent Sunday night routine, emptying inboxes, last bits of tidying …

: I saw a post from a couple of weeks ago of someone who had compiled all the discover …

: I’m not sure if it was a good idea or not, but I found an old backup database of my very first …

: Looking forward to a relaxing day watching sport. First the North London derby and then England v …

: Quantity not quality There’s an odd pressure when you’re trying to exercise the muscle of discipline, it’s tempting to …

: Decided I’m going to spend a bit of time working on a new design for my blog this weekend. Time to …

: I just discovered that WhatsApp can do bold and italic text with some basic Markdown syntax. Who …

: Book Budget I just added a new category in my YNAB Budget under Quality of Life Goals, it’s name? Books. Since I …

: After a long tiring week there’s nothing quite like flopping on the sofa with a good book. I usually …

: One thing about building discipline, particularly in the area of posting to a blog each day, is the …

: Email to @culturedcode’s Things is possibly one of their best features yet. The fact it is able to …

: Thoughts On Just Turning Up I’ve been thinking a little more about the link I posted to Austin Kleon’s blog the other day. I …

: Last week I moved Tweetbot out the dock on my iPhone and replaced it with Haven’t looked …

: Thoughts as Nest Eggs Today when you say “nest egg” many think of money saved and put away, but a literal “nest egg” is a …

: Firefox is becoming my favourite browser to develop websites in. The new CSS Grid layout inspector …

: I really like the idea of Micro Monday, kind of like Follow Friday on Twitter but better. For my …

: I’ve seen a few people on using a thing called Quill to post to their sites. Intrigue got …

: Testing out the new @micron app. For a beta it already has some nicer interactions than …

: Finally giving MarsEdit 4 a try, I used to use this app all the time. The new version seems really …

: Today has been one of those design days where everything felt rubbish. Hopefully when I return …

: Sometimes things need to change in order to grow and find new life.

: A really interesting time last night at the cupping event with @StudioRoasters and @PodCoffee. If …

: Woo! Finally. The Seattle Seahawks are playing in London this year. I need to get tickets! 🏈 …

: Went to bed early to read, on feeling tired I turned off the light to go to sleep. While drifting …

: Might have to give this method of planning your day a try tomorrow and see how I get on.

: Can’t quite get over the Nottingham Forest win this afternoon! Such a good all round performance, …

: I’m really tempted to move my blog away from WordPress, custom theming it is such a pain and I can …

: This first week back at work after a good break over Christmas has been really long and hard. I’m …

: Happy New Year folks! Hope 2018 is a good one!

: Great stat from my Dad. Today is the only day in history when every adult was born in the 1900’s and …

: "Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel (which …

: The holidays. They have begun! 😴

: Anyone been through the process of renaming/rebranding their business and able to share some of …

: A day of tax returns and business reviews. Never fun but has to be done. More business review steps …

: Bought one thing in the Black Friday sales. A domain name ready for new business developments in the …

: A day of conversations today. Potential collaborations in the day and reminders of the awesome …

: Received my first Christmas card in the post today. In November. Ten days before December even …

: I really need to reasses my weekend so I’m resting better. Not doing anything often feels worse than …

: Enjoyed beginning to look at a design refresh for this blog. Time it had it’s own custom theme and a …

: I’ve really enjoyed the photo challenge this past week. It’s been fun to have creative …

: I seem to have inadvertently found myself on a streak of posting to my blog each day. Some small …

: First day of trying to establish a new routine in my evenings that includes setting time aside …

: Great to spend a bit of time at the end of the day learning more about CSS Grid. I can highly …

: Nothing like the internet being out to make you realise just how reliant you are on it.

: A Home Screen Update I used to post a monthly series that looked at the Home Screens of my iPhone and iPad. Over time …

: Podcasts, coffee, and The New CSS Layout. A lovely way to start the weekend after a bit of a sleep …

: Realised I rarely sit down to read web articles saved in my Instapaper these days. If I sit down to …

: Love the buzz when solving a coding problem that felt like it had me beat. Very satisfying not to …

: Started playing around with a new child theme for my blog yesterday. Considering mirroring my …

: Good start to the day. A recurrence of my old back pain from about a year ago, just what I wanted.

: Obligatory first post from for Mac. Nice to have access to the service from my Mac, just …

: Privileged to speak to those gathered at church this evening, praying that The Lord was/is at work …

: Realised this morning that I have too many websites so I want to simplify. Question, blog and …

: Didn’t register it was 9/11 until this evening thanks to the way we write the date here …

: England really are the most boring team to watch… 😴

: Nothing better than having the test match on in the background while sorting out things in the flat.

: Nothing like a bit of trouble shooting on the blog to disrupt a relaxed start to the day.

: A bacon sandwich and coffee, the best way to start a sunny bank holiday Monday. #dayoff

: NEVER change your Apple ID password. Complete hell hole.

: Morning meeting in Bristol and then sampled some coffee from Small Street Espresso and Full Court …

: I’m gonna be in the centre of Bristol tomorrow, where’s best for #coffee?

: One of the apps on my homescreen changed its icon colour. I know need to rearrange everything to …

: Someone just tried to login to my Apple ID, iPhone alerted me, I’ve changed password and …

: Wow, these F1 posters are insanely good. Really love the illustration style.

: Giving the new My Chill Mix from Apple Music a play this morning. Off to a promising start, the …

: Slightly disappointed in myself for letting the release of new Coldplay music pass me by. Making up …

: Using my iPad for some further ideas generation and realising just how useful an iPad Pro and Apple …

: Decided to go and do some sketch book ideas work in my favourite coffee house. It’s normal …

: Looking forward to 3rd party apps with drag & drop support, especially interested to see how …

: Sometimes you just need to spend a Sunday morning reading, listening to music, and drinking coffee. …

: Just posted my first coffee review over on a new side project, Flat white & AeroPress. Fun to …

: Apparently it’s world emoji day. Here’s my day in emoji so far… 😴⏰☕️👨🏻‍💻🚶🏻☕️☕️☕️

: Interesting evening seeing a friend launch a book he has a short story in and hearing some bits read …

: It’s been a throughly pleasant day of watching sport. The Lions game, the Formula 1 qualifying and …

: Also, waiting for name servers to propagate is rubbish. Just let me start my new project idea!

: Another heatwave hitting the UK, I could get used to this. Sunshine is so good for the soul. ☀️😎

: Been listening to the new London Grammar album thanks to the latest @ugmonk email. Never listened to …

: I’ve been using the free trial of @culturedcode’s Things 3 the last week or so. Superb …

: Just cast my vote. #ivoted

: Apple are flying through this keynote, not spending much time on features they might otherwise.

: Never mind the new iMac Pro, I want that wireless keyboard! I miss the number pad on my current …

: Finally watching the new season of House of Cards.

: Walking Back in January 2015 when I realised I was ill, and consequently started a course of …

: Made some updates to my websites theme, the link posts now behave like the traditional linked list …

: Typical British weather, sunny and hot in the build up to a bank holiday weekend then wet and cooler …

: Love it when the sun is shining, it always lifts my mood considerably. ☀️😎

: Waking up to the horrible news from Manchester. Praying for all those effected.

: Pushed an update to my portfolio this morning to make it easier to update and more versatile layout …

: Sat down after work to do a bit of design/coding for my website, all of a sudden it’s well …

: Decided to try and experiment this week. Alarm clock set to go off at 0730 everyday – including …

: Cooked breakfast with a friend and now a day of introverting ahead of me. Hopefully some progress on …

: Such a busy day, all I want to do is crash on the sofa, watch the football and tinker with my new …

: I just discovered it’s Mental Health Awareness Week here in the UK. Mental health is vital, …

: Ended the weekend doing some structural design for a new personal website. Clear categories and …

: One thing I’ve still not sorted to help me use is posting from my Mac. iOS is no …

: Work finished for the week. Time to relax, feels like it’s been a long week.

: I’ve been looking into some of this Indie Web stuff for Wordpress that I’ve discovered …

: Hey sleep, I’m over here! 👋🏻😕

: I just had this or as close a version to it as I could make for breakfast. Absolutely delicious!

: I still have no idea what I’m gonna do with my web domain. I want to do something …

: The joys of bank holiday Monday working in the coffee house. Two and a half hours to go.

: In other news, I’m getting a new bed today! Hoping to get my flat all sorted at last, now that …

: Slow morning after a fantastic day yesterday celebrating the marriage of @timwallace89 and …

: Big day today for @timwallace89! So excited, honoured and frankly terrified to be best man today. …

: No, you’re having your fourth cortado of the day… slow lunch in the coffee house makes coffee …

: Excited to have my invite to Micro.Blog through. Just getting everything all set up.

: Great start to the day, got my car back repaired from the garage. A couple of bonus things fixed as …

: Found myself randomly searching available web domains. Discovered was available for £3. …

: Just spending the morning learning how to shorten my trousers using Mum’s sewing machine. A …

: He Is Risen! Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet …

: Finishing a largely glorious weekend watching The Masters, engrossing. Come on Justin Rose!

: Picked up the keys to my new flat. Excited to see what God will do as a new chapter starts. Let the …

: On a somewhat related note, Safari on iOS is very aggressive at caching.

: Nothing like a bit of late night Wordpress troubleshooting to solve not being able to sleep.

: [gallery size=full columns=1]

: Thoughts and prayers with those in Westminster who were targeted in the attack. Also with the family …

: Dentist stage one complete. Now to wait for the numbness to wear off and then eyes on wisdom tooth …

: Massively enjoyed writing my sermon on my iPad this morning. Ulysses and the Microsoft Universal …

: Four weeks in. Five books read. Three novels, one biography and one design theory. Next up, a novel …

: New web project with a chance to play with columns. Did we really go for column-gap over gutter?

: Trying to find a font, seems like the Typekit website could do with a couple of coffees…

: Joined the world of Fitbit today with some Christmas money and a discount. Anyone else use one? I …

: Backed my first ever Kickstarter yesterday. Really intrigued by and how it can effect …

: First day of my Christmas holiday, a much needed rest over the next 10 days.

: Star Wars time.

: Shaved off the moustache yesterday, feel like myself again. Top lip was a bit cold though.

: The camera on the iPhone 7 really is excellent, to the point that I haven’t even considered …

: I really dislike the last week of October. It feels like every shop, website, and tv show becomes …

: I can’t help but feel like the only useful thing on this new MacBook Pro Touch Bar is the …

: I still get excited by Apple events over ten years after I started following them. The possibilities …

: Been on Twitter all evening with Apple Supprt since the iOS 10.1 app broke the Health app. Nothing …

: Back at work again after a week off due to my back. Spent a lot of the week reading and automating. …

: I’ve a feeling it might be time to move on from Fever to another RSS engine. Any …

: I guess may blog challenge has kind of failed. Stupid depression.

: Absolute disaster. Brewed a coffee and then saw then time, might not be time to enjoy it. Tasting …

: Depression Days Sometimes a day hits you when things that are normally easy to do become the hardest things. I mean …

: The Desire to Tinker The desire to tinker is strong in this one. I have this problem when it comes to my blog. The more I …

: After a good day celebrating the wedding of two friends yesterday, today calls for some serious …

: Permission At the start of last week I set myself the challenge to blog everyday between then and the end of …

: Starting to gain some interest in the Rio Olympics, might be something to do with the track cycling …

: Got so frustrated with my iPhone I spent the morning resetting and restoring it from backup. All of …

: I’m three days into my new blogging challenge. Enjoying having the extra creative outlet so …

: What Do You Write About? I know what you’re thinking. It’s only the second day of the challenge I set myself, to post to my …

: The 2016 Blogging Challenge I've written 442 posts on this site. The first one was written on 17th January 2011, that's five and …

: I had the pleasure of preaching this morning in a small chapel that my church supports. It …

: 03/05/2018, 19:28 As I was leaving the coffee house this evening something made me look up, this was my view. As I …

: Having one of those nights where I can’t sleep. Might be related to the espresso martini I had …

: If Adobe were to release a full blown version of Illustrator for iPad Pro I would genuinely sell my …

: Nothing quite like an afternoon revising and realigning your blog design. When I don’t do my …

: I’ve been having email issues on my Mac with lately. Not staying connected or able to …

: This week has felt very admin-y, lots of numbers and paperwork, looking forward to spending some …

: It seems to be a day for securing usernames and domains. Just need to the Twitter handle now.

: I just secured Now the question is, do I stick with as the main domain or switch …

: The sun is out, the sky is blue, the evenings are lighter. Nothing like a bit of good weather to …

: Very proud of my Dad who lead his church through a Passover Seder tonight for the first time. …

: Hello 6 days of holiday, how nice it is to see you! Time for a bit of much needed rest and …

: Always good to return to an idea you worked up for a personal project and still think it works.

: Also, really enjoying having Ulysses on my iPhone. I can imagine with 3D Touch it would be more …

: Finally got a solid idea out for a new personal side project the other night, now all I want do is …

: Amazing how a nice sunny day improves your mood, even if it’s tinged with disappointment of …

: I guess the definition of a productive week is one when you meet two deadlines and hardly engage in …

: 12 hour work days really aren’t fun. I guess that’s the price I pay for having two jobs…

: Genuinely excited for Ulysses for iPhone to arrive.

: Productive mornings are always very energising, even if you feel tired. Always good to make progress …

: Great day of fellowship in the countryside with the church 20/30’s group today.

: Decided to add a little twist to my Now page and track things on it I’ve successfully focused …

: Finally got my sermon for tomorrow night written. Just final tweaks left while I practice tomorrow …

: Nothing like a phone call to a great friend to bring a bit of clarity to some sermon preparation.

: My housemate just decided to put some old school music on. He started with Sing by Travis, a song …

: Five weeks into the year and I just finished my fourth book. Apparently I’m reading a lot at …

: I’m finding that iOS, or my iPad, is the best place to write for my site. Whether it’s a …

: My third generation Apple TV is turning in to my most used tv box, makes me wonder about the new …

: I don’t like the idea of giving Google the ability to track all the things I do, but I have to …

: A darkened room, four bibles, a book, a notebook and Ulysses. That’s my evening. An hour or two of …

: One Twelfth We’ve done it. All of us. Good job everyone. We’ve made it through January and we’re into February. …

: The weeks when Cortex, Canvas and Serial aren’t published sure make for boring podcast weeks. …

: Just got back from seeing The Revenant at the cinema. Incredible cinematography and engrossing film, …

: I’ve been using @Ulyssesapp on my iPad since the start of the year, really great app. Looking …

: Holocaust Rememberence Day Today marks the 71st anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, a place which is known …

: Also great to be able to post an article completely from my iPad, including having to alter some …

: Great to get a “proper” blog post out tonight for the first time in months. It’s a start and …

: Got myself sorted with a new Workflow to post links to my blog from my iPad and iPhone. In fact …

: My little studio/design den/home office is all tidy and ready for the week ahead. Need some better …

: What. A. Win! #coyr #nffc

: Bought my Now TV Sky sports day pass in preparation for #nffc vs #dcfc tonight. Come on you reds!

: Finally dismantled two old Macs to retrieve the hard drives and get rid of the rest. iBooks are …

: It really baffles me why people like to celebrate evil when there is so much more to be discovered …

: Ugh, I forgot about Jaja Binks.

: Might be watching Star War episode 1… want to watch them all before the new one is out.

: I have all the sneezes! 😕😷

: It seems my old Apple Display just died. Time to begin researching a new external display. …

: Interesting read. Who knew “sharenting” was a thing…

: Was also advised not to charge my phone over night to make it last longer. Never heard this before.

: Had a play with an iPhone 6s today, 3D Touch works very well. Looking forward to being able to …

: Let me make a note of that Ever since I got my first iOS device, a 2nd generation iPod Touch, I've been on a quest to work out …

: A bit of late night design work done and now time for an episode of The Newsroom before bed.

: Nothing like starting the morning with a Git Pull Request. #winning #progress

: Praying for the peace of Jerusalem this morning.

: Recently moved all my design projects into Trello. Works as my digital job board and connects with …

: Excellent! Three more #nffc games on tv, love it! #coyr!

: On a related note. I’m getting seriously fed up of having a 16GB iPhone. Seem to now get a …

: Gah! Just accidentally deleted Twodots and all its game centre data. Sad times

: Slowly getting used to my new morning routine of waking at 7 regardless of the day.

: Well the Aussies have just been better. Too many individual errors from England.

: After catching up on Bake Off it’s time ti catch up on Grand Designs while I fall asleep on …

: Just caught up on Bake Off. @florashedden should not have gone home, disagree entirely. First time …

: Enjoying @tweetbot 4, especially like the stats view, even if it does remind me I haven’t …

: Pizza, red wine and kettle chips. That’s what I call a good Friday night after a long day!

: Already learnt 2 new things today. 1. It’s #LincolnshireDay. 2. Lincolnshire has a flag!

: Great little coffee animation!

: Didn’t know this: Low Power Mode all the time. It automatically turns itself off when you …

: The iOS 9 lower power mode should auto turnoff when you connect to a power source.

: Fun to wake up to see a happy birthday video from my goddaughter!

: Society has a real alcohol problem when charities use ideas like going a month sober to raise money.

: Just realised it means I have to redo all my mutes on hashtags. Ugh.

: Decided to give Twitterrific a bit of a run for my Twitter client on iOS.

: iOS 9 seems to have settled down now. Zipping along quite speedily.

: Can now access the share sheet from Mail iOS 9. At last an easy way to get things into OmniFocus …

: Also, where’s the News app?

: Installed iOS 9 on my 5c, so far it seems very slow and laggy.

: Guys, guys! Pay attention. Inbox zero!

: Suddenly wishing I was back in Jerusalem again. Such an amazing place.

: Reminded tonight that one year ago today I was baptised by my Dad in the River Jordan.

: Clapped and got a fly that’s been annoying me for ages. #ninja

: Ugh, feel rough. Cold is properly taking hold this morning.

: You can’t beat coffee brewed with freshly roasted beans.

: Another tee that should probably be in my wardrobe……

: This is probably a tee I should own… …

: It’s probably not a good thing when you’ve got a headache in the middle of the afternoon …

: This is very clever. Might have to give it a try.…

: Started using Trello to track a large project. Now finding myself using it more and more.

: Turkey-stuffed peppers for dinner tonight. Only been in the oven 10 minutes and they already smell …

: This is interesting:… iPhone 6 Plus and Mac is ever more …

: I figured since I’ve enjoyed growing some tomatoes, peppers and lettuce in the garden …

: Not sure if it’s a good idea, or how long it will take to get one, but just applied for an …

: If you’re a telesales person ringing me unsolicited, you can at least be polite and not …

: Another evening by myself so watching Fortitude and ploughing through my Instapaper.

: Very lame, you can only buy a .uk domain if you own the corresponding, or

: I really like the concept of HealthKit but it’s still got some big bugs/reliability issues.

: Is there a special dance I have to do to get @Lifesum to import work outs from the Health app?

: Valuable lesson. Make sure to take your fountain pen out your pocket when you sit down at your desk…

: 4pm on a Monday and I’ve cleared my task list for the day. Haven’t been out the house …

: Typical. I go out and water the garden, get back in sit down on the sofa and it starts to rain.

: Finishing off a nice relaxing afternoon with a glass of wine, blog post writing and The Bourne …

: Survived a hot and tough training session and got home in time to see England win the Ashes.

: The football season is underway! Come on you Reds! #nffc

: Tip for you… don’t rub your eye after you’ve been handling chilli’s…

: Great to have done a bit of alfresco working at Whole Foods. Nice change of scene.

: Curry and beer. Nice way to end a long day of work.

: Does anyone use a joint task list with clients? If so how, which service and does it work well?

: Just seen the cricket score! I missed a heck of a first 7 overs.

: Great to be beta testing the #HeReadsTruth app. Been looking for a new reading plan for my morning …

: Managed to find a database of an older version of my blog. Now have posts going back to January …

: I really wish I had got all the posts I’ve ever written at the various blogs I’ve had …

: It’s been insanely windy today, really hoping it dies down a bit before football training this …

: If you were going to go on holiday in September where would you go?

: Anyone know if there is a way to set the Post Format from Byword when publishing to a Wordpress …

: Got some tomato fruit growing on my tomato plants! The first time I’ve grown them and …

: Notts County Manager: Sign all the players! Chairman: All of them? Manager: ALL THE PLAYERS!

: Great afternoon out in sun with friends and food. New watch mark on my arm though…

: Although I realise for someone who’s been on Twitter as long as me, it’s not that many.

: Just noticed I’m rapidly approaching 10,000 tweets! That’s a lot.

: I think I’m starting to use the ellipsis a little too often…

: Becoming increasingly aware of how important it is to own my own content on the web these days. …

: Great to see some old uni hall mates today. Can’t believe it’s almost 11 years since I …

: Extra organised this week… The Week in Links post already scheduled for publication tomorrow so …

: Relaxed time with my parents in their caravan. Good to get away from work for a night.

: Ideas, Time Traveller, Maker, Path or Grass. What should be my next @baronfig Apprentice?

: Noticing a number of websites have flickering type on my Mac over the last couple of weeks. Very …

: I have a feeling today is going to be a coffee fuelled one. Lots todo, not enough to time to do it…

: No news app on iPad 2. That’s sad…

: Living on the edge… decided to install the iOS 9 beta on my ancient iPad 2 to see if it’s any …

: Typical, it waits until I’m in the car park at the supermarket before absolutely lashing it …

: Everytime I’m on the brink of falling to sleep I hear a noise that jolts me to my senses and …

: TypeTogether really do make stunning typefaces. I’m finding they’re increasingly …

: Been intrigued by the notion of microblogging on my own domain and then posting to Twitter. Blog …

: Could really do with a Do Note app for the Mac. Finding it works really well for u distracted …

: Good end to the working week hanging out with @timwallace89 and @svjones02 over BBQ food and beer!

: Interesting read, MPs not giving themselves a pay rise. It’s been decided for them and …

: I don’t like doing it too often, but since finished work I’ve done nothing. Can barely …

: Pretty close call, wonder how fast he was going…

: So the new iPod touch matches the iPhone in 3 of its colours. Should we expect pink and blue iPhones …

: The longer I work for myself, the more inclined I am to look for smaller businesses to shop from.

: Another #BuySmall suggestion for @ugmonk, really dig the style of this brand.

: As a small business owner I Love the idea of #BuySmall! No better place to start than @baronfig… …

: Nice to end the day out in the garden. Lawn mowed and fed, tomatoes and sweet peppers growing well. …

: Woohoo! Fixed the cup holder in my car!

: Any suggestions as to where I can buy some #coffee beans in #Cheltenham until Whole Foods fix their …

: Yay autocorrect! Who’s Food is of course meant to be Whole Foods…

: Disaster! Who’s Foods coffee roasting machine is out of action and I’m out of beans!

: “Are we capable of letting creativity born out of boredom take place?” Bored

: Bored I wonder how often the phrase I'm bored… came out of your mouth as a child? I know it crossed my …

: Really like the new @baronfig Confidant, haven’t stated my Maker Edition yet though, not sure …

: In serious need of this mornings ☕️.

: Just another test…

: Just trying something out.

: Building I'm great at making statements and promises about things that I want to do. It's easy. I think of …

: Rediscovering the Personal Site It's been an interesting start to the year to say the least, but one positive from it has been the …

: Thirty Things I've Learned in Thirty Years When the year turned 2014 I began to reflect on my life, who I am, where I am and what I'm doing. …

: The One Where I Announce I'm Now Self Employed There are some posts you dream about writing, posts you'd love to write but never think you actually …

: Change For the last few years I've been praying about something. I'm sure many of you have as well, but …

: Reading Stories, Food for the Imagination I work as a graphic designer. Like many other folks in my profession I find it hard to turn off. I …

: Wecloming 2012 and Setting a Few Targets It's that time once again when many people are posting reviews of the year just passed. I always …

: Motivation These days, I'm sure like many, my primary source of reading material is via the internet, or more …

: Starbucks style Coffee Nothing quite like coffee in a Starbucks mug. It’s best if the coffee in it is from Starbucks, …

: Happy New Year! I’m a bit late to the party, but I wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year!

: New Years Eve Just for fun I shall be taking part in Micheal Heillemans idea. I will take a photo of myself with …

: 3rd Place Playoff This is a very weird sensation. I am just watching the 3rd Place Playoff in the world cup and, I …

: Google fun! Ok, so I’m bored. I resorted to googling my name, Phil Bowell, and guess what?? This website …

: A Quick One. I’ve just discovered some of my friends have got blogs!! Well actually one of them. She goes …