
On my lunch break today as I sat reading some RSS feeds, I came across a [Daily Blogging Challenge] that started on the first of March. As I clicked through to the organising site to find out more I discovered that each day they are sharing a prompt word that everyone taking part should use to kickstart their post for the day. I'm not going to commit to taking part everyday, but I liked the prompt from 1st March, [routine].

Routines have always been a bit of a comfort to me, mostly they just happen and I realise that I've settled in to one without considering what I'm doing. My morning routine for example is one that I've realised I've settled in to without really considering.

I wake up with my alarm around 07:00 and spend the next 45 minutes or so waking up. That involves a bit of snoozing, a bit of morning messaging, and a bit of bumbling around on the internet. Then I get out of bed and head towards the shower.

I'm usually dressed and ready to start my day by around 08:20. The next step is a glass of juice and my meds, followed by a sit down in my chair and a bit of time to have a quiet time with whatever reading plan I'm using in the Youversion app at the moment.

Around 08:40 I'll turn on my Mac and head to the kitchen to make coffee and sort out some food for myself before I settle at my desk to contrive the days business.

I didn't realise this was a routine I'd fallen in to until I came across Pablo Picasso's daily schedule and it started me on path looking in to the routines of other famous creators, something I'll be looking into and sharing here.

Phil Bowell @philbowell