Take a moment

Life is odd. Sometimes it seems to just pass us by, each day sliding into the next, the week begins and ends before we’ve even had time to catch our breath. At other times the days are slow and packed with things, little moments that create memories or that build up to make a week to remember. Lately life seems to be passing by at a great rate of knots, it whizzes by in a string of meetings, groceries, tv shows, and sleep. There barely seems time to take a breath before the next thing starts.

Occasionally I become aware of this speed and force myself to find a slot in my calendar that allows me to sit and take a moment to be still. A moment to sit and calm myself. A moment to reach out to God and speak to him.

I’m trying to cultivate these moments. I want to have more of these pauses in my life, where I can sit and be, resting in the presence of my Lord and dwelling with Him. I’ve been listening to a series of 5 songs over the last week or so. They start with one of my favourite songs, Oceans, and then are followed in any order by 4 more. Sung by Anthem Worship the artwork that goes with them is a single flower photographed on a clean coloured background which complements the colour of the petals. Each manages to capture the feelings evoked by the music. When they play I find myself listening to the words and looking at the images, a small moment of still and quiet. Like a prayer they draw me to my God.

I have them saved as a playlist in Apple Music, it’s titled “Take a moment” and when I need too I can sit back for a moment and say to Siri. Play “Take a moment” and the songs come on, my iPhone displays the artwork as they play and I can pause and step away from the pace of life to find a moment of rest before resuming my day.
