Some thoughts on politics, a topic I don't normally touch with a barge pole

I generally don’t comment about politics on social media, or really in life in general. I find the whole topic to be divisive and alienating especially as someone who is not liberal enough for the left and not conservative enough for the right, it is a hard topic to broach.

What I can say is this: I am very disappointed in the current state of politics both in the UK and USA. In the UK we have ended up with a government that will inflict great damage on society and is already doing so. In the US it feels like no matter the result, the same will be true.

I find myself wondering how it is two supposedly educated countries find that their choices for their political leaders are so poor, leaving voters with a bad and worse. My only hope is that we don’t see scenes in America similar to the last election and people manage to keep their heads screwed on.
