Now this is what I call fun coffee packaging! ☕️

Starting the day off with some beautiful coffee in my local coffee shop. They’ve got some stunners from Kawa Coffee on today and I couldn’t resist taking some photos. ☕️

I think my coffee station has reached peak Jonny Ive… ☕️

Trying this little beauty this morning. ☕️

Photo of a tin of limited lot coffee roasted by Campbell and SymePhoto of the back of a tin of limited coffee. Coffee is from Peru, a naturally processed geisha, with tasting notes of lavendar, grapes, and passion fruit.

This mornings coffee is brought to you by the ends of two different bags… I call it frankenfilter… ☕️

I’ve got some seriously good coffees in the house at the moment… the red bourbon is especially 😚👌🏻 ☕️

5 bags of coffee from 4 different roasters. 2 with funky illustrated labels.

New coffee from Plot coffee roasters. ☕️

Origin: Patalillo wet mill, Tarrazú, Costa Rica Process: Red Honey Notes: red apples, chocolate, and nutmeg

Mid morning coffee in Cheltenham’s newest espresso bar. Tastes as good as it looks. ☕️

Opened this beautiful coffee this morning ☕️

New coffee delivery! Looking forward to trying these fun bags ☕️