Category: Microposts
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Trying out the new Reeder from and it’s a lovely experience for reading. The only thing that might stop me using it is the lack of ability to reply to things. I’m signed in with my account but I can’t respond to people’s posts.
This is a very interesting read about what’s happening in the Israel-Hamas war. Regardless of whose side you are on, I recommend reading it.
Made a few tweaks to my macro blog theme. I think the first step in getting a custom design is the same way I did it with Wordpress many years ago. Start by hacking at an existing theme that’s got a close layout to what I’m after.
Moved my main, or macro blog, to… Now I need to get back in the habit of writing blog posts and learning how to create my own theme. Anyone have any recommendations getting started with Hugo themes?
Absolutely love the design the home page on this personal site. It's giving me the itch to design something this weekend.
Finished reading: Murder on Lake Garda by Tom Hindle 📚
Finished reading: The Hunger of the Gods by John Gwynne 📚
I somehow forgot about Aaron Draplin. His backyard studio is great and his enthusiasm for creating is infectious.