Category: Microposts
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I always enjoy a birthday list. This one from Jeff Sheldon has a few nice points and a few that made me chuckle.
Picked up a USB C dock that can handle all the connections I need. I love that I only have one cable to plug into my MacBook Pro now.
My refusal to use Threads or X is making it much harder to keep up with sports (specifically F1) news. Anyone know of any good blogs I could add to my RSS?
It dawned on me this morning that we are in an election year. I’ve never been more disillusioned with UK politics than I am now. There seems to be no party that actually represents me, they all appear to be different shapes of the same blob with no real difference between them.
Had a lovely long weekend down in Cornwall staying in St Ives. Lots of fresh air, mostly good food, good company, and some winter sunshine.
Watching the sunset behind St Michael’s Mount whilst enjoying a Cornish Cream Tea was beautiful.
A long time ago I owned the domain, just had a look to see if it’s available. Seems it’s now classed as a premium domain and is available for $4,480! Maybe I won’t pick it up to use as a blog.
Just discovered you can’t add a shortcut to standby mode on the iPhone. So you can’t quickly tap a button to run a shortcut, seems like a bit of an over sight.
Official diagnosis from Apple is my IPad Pro is dead. It’s either new iPad or new Mac… not an easy decision.