Having a real crises of blogging at the moment. Backed myself into a corner by using Jekyll on my long blog so considering moving away from that. Thinking about using Micro.blog all in, but for link sharing I want tags…

This week has been a battle. All I’ve wanted to do is sit on the sofa and read, maybe with a bit of writing as well. It’s a feeling I’ve never experienced before, but despite that I managed to push on and remain productive for work.

Tried using Obsidian to manage my work tasks for a tighter integration of their associated notes. A worth while experiment but I’m moving tasks back to Things with Hook based links instead.

Finished reading: The Return of the King by J. R. R. Tolkien 📚

WhatsApp now works with the Focus mode feature of Apple devices. Time to give it a proper go since I can now let messages through from particular people who don’t use iMessage.

Today is Holocaust Memorial Day. We must never forget what happened to over 6 million Jews, and we must never let it happen again. With antisemitism on the rise, especially in Europe, it’s just as important to remember now as it has ever been. 🇮🇱

Was caught between the answer and another word for the third guess. Went the wrong way…

Wordle 222 4/6


Anyone remember Yojimbo? Didn’t realise it was still being updated although it looks a bit long in the tooth now.

Wordle 220 5/6


Brain’s a bit slow this morning.

In trying to reduce the number of subscriptions I’m paying for I tried to go back to using the built in calendars instead of Fantastical. This morning my Mac was refusing to connect to my work calendar but Fantastical was fine. Guess I’m keeping that subscription for now.

What a win for Forest today. Nothing like beating your local rivals! 🥳🥳⚽️

Had the day off today. Nice to go have some coffee and food in Birmingham for a change of scene. Excellent Greek place for lunch which was a bit of a pick and hope. Turned out well.

Dinner out tonight. Ramen with some sashimi on the side. Full to bursting now. 🍜 🍣

Last year I moved my blog to Jekyll, but I’m considering moving “back” to WordPress in the form of ClassicPress. Anyone got any experience with using ClassicPress with the likes of Ulysses?

Twitter tells me I’ve been a member for 15 years today. Sheesh. That also means I’ve been blogging for a similar amount of time, my guess is 16 or 17 years.

No you sat waiting for a file to publish without realising you hadn’t clicked ok. Thought it was taking a long time 🤦🏻‍♂️

I wrote something about depression. Any day can be Blue Monday

Any day can be Blue Monday

Today, the third Monday of January, is commonly referred to as Blue Monday. It’s considered to be the most depressing day of the year. By this time people are feeling down because they have broken all their New Year’s resolutions and there’s still another week until pay day. Day’s like this that receive a lot of coverage in the press can be both damaging and helpful to mental health awareness. They can harm mental health awareness by giving the impression that depression or other illnesses only happen on particular days, but they can be helpful by bringing conversations up with people.

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Any day can be Blue Monday

Today, the third Monday of January, is commonly referred to as Blue Monday. It’s considered to be the most depressing day of the year. By this time people are feeling down because they have broken all their New Year’s resolutions and there’s still another week until pay day. Day’s like this that receive a lot of coverage in the press can be both damaging and helpful to mental health awareness. They can harm mental health awareness by giving the impression that depression or other illnesses only happen on particular days, but they can be helpful by bringing conversations up with people.

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Sometimes it just clicks but I was fortunate with my first guess.