I’ve seen several posts on Twitter today commenting that because the media is reporting about the new Royal Baby, we shouldn’t forget about Windrush and NHS funding. The implication that those items are far more important and shouldn’t be sidelined by something like a birth of a child is incredibly patronising to me. Whilst I would agree those things are important, why can’t people just take a moment and realise that the birth of a Royal Baby brings many people a little bit of joy in amongst the stress of life? The Royal Family is an important part of our British heritage, when events like new babies happen in that family it’s something which we can all share in the joy. Just as many people filled the streets for the last Royal Wedding because it brought them an excuse to celebrate and forget about the difficulties of life for a bit, so too does the arrival of a new Prince. There’s nothing wrong with the birth of a Royal Baby taking over the headlines for a day, it won’t do us any harm. Those other matters will still be around, and will still be in the news cycle tomorrow or for as long as they are deemed important enough to be. So let’s just relax a little, and share the joy of a family as they celebrate the safe arrival of a new little boy into the world.