Took this a few weeks ago when I was walking home one evening. It was peaceful then. Now when you go out at night it feels eery, but there is a kind of beauty to the emptiness.

Got these cakes for my birthday yesterday and Forest followed up with a win tonight to go top of the league!

Bank holiday coffee by the lake.

I’ve been struggling with my depression again the last couple of months. I’ve been lent a massive Lego kit to build, it’s great for occupying my mind.

Starting to play around and appreciate the camera on the iPhone XS a bit more. Only had it a couple of weeks, but it’s a big jump from my iPhone 7.

He is not here, for he has risen, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay.
Matthew 28:6

Excited for this to arrive today! Big fan of @austinkleon’s other books.

23/12/2018, 21:01

Finally got all the presents wrapped.

16/12/2018, 23:06

Finished a lovely weekend celebrating my Mum’s birthday with a delicious meal out.